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英文Vlog _ 00后设计系学生日常 _ 和朋友学习 _ 画设计稿

Because its Christina and good morning. Today I am going to do for English of my life. Its been a long time since I study English. Now. So you are every interest to this English.我 u like really, really.16.9
Buy three day. They are just some study and then read some books and I also went to work. Finish.你不微信。 Any more by so me love the sun. Yes. You might have seen so this why. C, which I mean this with your friends, the walking style on this project, so I do a couple of screen is time to have and work on and so I actually have some fish style. Actually Im working on the today, but because there he said so this actually looks more to which is very well Im gonna show you. This is what usually low fire we are friends look like.
Which is like this吃。 What Im really doing or specific style. So I wonder if you guys are interested and what Im really doing today. So let me know if youre interested and how is just in the more of them.没有爱,want to.,真的,I.
3啊。 I mean ice cream.你just can。 They have had a big surprise. The we在。 Its a long time since that is the question at the kitchen like there号。
What kind of rice? So what is the correct English name for a? What I thought is like I want to ask you and then I say I can only think about, but you also said that.我很笨,on for a while took a shower. Actually trying something new study and then sleep your mind is that Im trying to get rid of the color. I think there is a way to improve this and make me feel better. While doing the same thing. So I tried to have half an hour one hour, just do some homework course. I dont know why. So yesterday, but I use some as that. So I became the people.
Is come on. This is pretty.我的QQ,hope you like this.

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TAG: 英文 后设 设计 学生 生日 日常 朋友 学习
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